Monday, September 28, 2009

Alyssa's boo boo

Okay, I know kids get hurt. It's part of growing up and I'm going to have to accept that. Still, it is horrible when it happens. This evening, Alyssa was crawling around on the tile in the kitchen. She was holding a dish towel and somehow tripped and fell on her face. She cried like she's never cried before. You know, that long inhale and then the dreaded scream of pain. Well, this was much worse, and that inhale and scream lasted a long time! I looked for blood and watched to see if her hands touched where the pain was coming from. Nothing. I kept waiting and finally I discovered what was hurting her so much. Blood started to trickle from her screaming mouth. Alyssa bit the inside of her upper lip. I panicked I take her to the ER? Should I call the pediatrician? ( No, it's too late. They'll charge me $20 since it's after office hours.) Okay, calm down Alyssa and me and take some deep breaths. Ten minutes later, after some Tylenol, ice, and a call to Grandma, Alyssa was playing and smiling. Needless to say, her upper lip is swollen and she looks like a duck, but we survived.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on making it through! I am glad she is feeling better!
